Saturday, February 5, 2011

December: Zachary is 4 months old

December: 4 months old
What a great month! After 13 months of living in our home, we finally moved into the second floor of our house and set up Zachary's nursery! It feels like we're living in a huge mansion now... no more cramped space. Zachary has done well beginning to eat some formula, he started really laughing, and started sleeping through the night. He loves his new Jumperoo, enjoyed Zoo Lights with the family, saw his first snowflake and made his first snow angel (although he didn't like being plopped in the snow while I took pictures). On Christmas Eve, Zachary figured out how to sit up on his own. He also started scooching forward, moving in circles, and pulling his knees up a little. Celebrating our first Christmas as a family was amazing. Zachary started eating food Dec. 26, and loves it! Because of his allergies, we are starting with vegetables and fruits before cereal. His first taste was of sweet potatoes, which he loved. They are still his favorite.

Zachary's day with his cousins Sophia & Hannah.

This is what our house looked like before moving upstairs...
laundry in the kitchen...

our bed, Zachary's crib, and 2 dressers in the bedroom...

our living room...

our dining room & office...

Zachary was excited to have his own space!

Trying his Jumperoo for the first time. It's now one of his favorite things to play with.

Trying out his highchair for the first time.

Relaxed and telling stories.

Zoo Lights with Gramma, Jacobsons, and Michael.

The Merry-Go-Round. Zachary didn't know what to think.

Zachary's first Christmas

First time "playing" in the snow.

Great facial expressions:

Kisses and hugs

Quality father & son time... Conquer Club needs to go...

Zachary & Grandpa from Florida had a fun time together.

Our cutie!

Zachary sitting up on his own!

Christmas morning:

Zachary with everything from his stocking!

Zachary loves his new wagon from Grandma from Chicago. He could be pulled around the house all day in it!

Relaxing with Chelsey on Christmas

Great-Gram & Great-Dot

What are Mommy & Daddy doing to me???

Zachary's first taste of food: Sweet Potatoes

Great-Gram gave Zachary a neck pillow for Christmas

Zachary's snow angel

Glad to get the snowsuit off

He likes to help feed himself

Love the facial expressions!

Zachary's first walk in the stroller without the car seat.
Much more comfortable & relaxing for him!

Ready for my next bite please!

Christmas with the Jacobsons:

Trying his "new" exersaucer. Thanks Auntie Steph; I love it!

We tried to get a picture of the cousins...

Telling Gramma stories

Our precious baby boy is the best Christmas gift. We love you so much!

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