Saturday, May 14, 2011

April 2011: 8 months old

April 2011: 8 Months Old

This month, Zachary had chicken (his first meat), kiwi, turkey, multigrain cereal, cantelope, blueberry, and ground beef. He started picking up and eating sweet potato puffs, which has taken some getting used to. His first tooth popped through, so we finally all got to sleep through the night again! Although Zachary has been doing his own type of crawl for a while, he started to really crawl. He is pulling himself up to stand, and figured out how to do it in his crib, during nap time. We took our first trip to the zoo. Zachary was more interested in the other kids than the animals! He has really been enjoying swim class. He splashes and puts his face in the water! Zachary had his first haircut to get it out of his eyes. He tried to clap, waved good-night (bye) to Mike, sits up from a crawling position, is able to stand for a few seconds on his own, and is climbing on everything! The gates are up...

He has the best facial expressions!

Swim class.
We took turns each week being in the pool with Zachary, and were able to take pictues only one of the weeks. By the end, Zachary was sticking his face in the water. We all had a great time!


Zachary tried all kinds of toys in the pool.

He loves "jumping" off the side!

Time to dry off. We take him to open swim when we can, now that swim lessons are over.

Playing catch with Grandma from Chicago.

Zachary loves to read books.

Take me out to the ballgame

Snack time: banana and water

Trying out his new baseball toy. Daddy showed him how to play correctly.

Making sure the toys taste good first!

Zachary standing and playing with his new music table.

"Look Mom, only one hand!"

The Franklin Park Zoo. It was a beautiful day.

Zachary was more interested in watching the other people than the animals.

Great Auntie Laura gave Zachary his first haircut.

He stayed still and no longer has hair in his eyes!

Trying to tame his peacock feathers at the top of his head!

At naptime, Zachary figured out how to stand in his crib. He was very proud of himself, and had to keep doing it, so there was no nap that afternoon... it was a LONG time until bedtime.

(*Not sure why this picture uploaded sideways. Tilt your head to see this cutie.)

Zachary likes to help feed himself and feel his food... this makes for very messy mealtimes!

Playtime with cousins. Sophia & Hannah both wanted turns pushing Zachary in the swing; he loved it! He also loved trying out all of their outdoor toys.

Grandpa from Chicago came to visit for a week. He helped work on the house, and lots of progress was made. He also spent some time with his grandson. Grandpa needs to smile for pictures!

Zachary's first Easter. He didn't like the Easter egg hunt very much... he rolled down the hill and landed face first in the grass and he didn't like the feeling of grass. Besides that, it was a great time!

Our family

Hannah and Zachary playing together.

The Easter egg hunt...

Fun times at home with his "new" standing toys. We found a great consignment store, so Zachary has lots of "new" toys.

He's taking a break from standing, and is sitting on the dinosaur's head!

He often lays on his side while playing.

Zachary found the fridge... as soon as we open the door, he's right there crawling up inside!

Since Zachary wakes up at 5:30 in the morning, he's tired before we leave for daycare/work. He insists on being at my feet while I get ready. He crawled into the bathroom, between my feet, and just lay there until I picked him up. He knows how to make me feel guilty!

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