Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zachary is now 11 weeks old!
He is grabbing and holding onto things, especially Mommy's hair. He's been told to only pull out the gray ones... Before Great Gram & Great Grampa flew south for the winter, we had a Halloween get together so they could see the kids dressed up in their costumes. Zachary was the cutest dinosaur and sat up by himself on the couch! He now can sit up by himself if he's propped up against something, like the rocking chair. He got his first cold, which lasted for one full week. Poor baby! Mike is trying to finish the upstairs so we can move into our rooms and Zachary can move into his crib. Zachary weighs 12.5 pounds, has outgrown some of his 3 month clothes, and almost fits into size 2 diapers. He's growing up so fast!

Zachary loves rocking in the chair by himself!
Smile for the camera!

Until the upstairs rooms are done, we're making it work living on one floor... Zachary has taken over the living room/dining room. It's now his playroom and bedroom, except for his actual bed which is in our room.

Mike is slowly making progress on the upstairs. The nursery and the guest room (Zachary's toddler room) are painted. Our bedroom is halfway primed. The hallway and bathroom still need lots of work, and the electrical is still turned off until the light switches are back together.

Halloween costume party
Relaxing with Great Gram

Sophia the monkey, Zachary the dinosaur, and Hannah the cat.

Sophia and Hannah moved away at the same time, and Zachary just sat there by himself. He's never sat up on his own before! I'm sure the padding of the costume helped support him.

Zachary & Hannah were checking each other out for a while.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Zachary has been "talking" so much lately. He takes after his Mommy!

wink wink

Look at his big belly! He's now about 11.5 pounds.

Since we missed yoga this week because it fell on Columbus Day, Zachary was doing his own stretches and movements.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

On October 11, we took Zachary to Boston Hill Farm. We picked a pumpkin from the field and apples from the orchard. It was a first for all three of us, and will now be a yearly family tradition. We plan to try a different farm each year since there are so many close to our home. Zachary slept through most of it but we still had a great time.

All bundled up... it was a little warmer than expected so the heavy winter jacket was taken off soon after the pictures were taken!

Looking for just the right apple.

Even Zachary picked an apple...
Next year we will not bring the stroller. It was very difficult pushing it around the apple orchard!

Great-Grampa's 82nd birthday party.
Zachary got dressed up and we got a great family picture.

Isn't he adorable!

Sohpia helping open Great-Grampa's birthday cards. She opens the card to see if there is anything inside... she learned young!

Check out Great-Auntie Laura's face... she really wanted to make sure those candles were blown out!

Sophia's huge piece of cake