Monday, September 27, 2010

Around 6-7 weeks old, Zachary started cooing, making noises, making different facial expressions, intentionally smiling, and laughing! He seems to be happiest first thing in the morning, which has quickly become my favorite part of the day.

We continue with tummy time too. He's getting very strong.

He loves bathtime! He relaxes with one foot and one hand hanging out into the water, while staring outside the window.
A walk with Alyssa

A Reason To Ride:
Mom & Axel rode 25 miles and helped raise money towards cancer research.

Mom's shoe was stuck in her bike!

Sophia was dancing and clamping to the music!

Zachary's new shirt that says "My mom is a fox"!

Visit from Amanda (& Shirley)

Zachary likes looking into the mirror, which is great for tummy time.

Playing dress up again

Sunday, September 26, 2010

He loves his new mobile!

Lots of great tummy time. He's doing a great job holding up his head.

(This site rotated the picture and won't let me fix it, so you have to turn your head sideways to see it correctly!)

Loving our time together.


He's so cute when he's waking up and stretching!

Trying to get a few things done around the house with Zachary's help...

He finally fits into his 0-3 month clothes (at 6 weeks)!
We played dress-up with all of his "new" clothes.

Trying on his infant size Cubs hat... it's a little big!
A Sunday afternoon with the family

Sophia holding and burping her baby doll the same as Gramma with Zachary.

Hannah sharing her Mommy for a few minutes. This doesn't happen often... she does not like when Auntie Steph holds Zachary!

Trying to get a picture of the cousins.

Zachary is very happy and content with Auntie Steph
Sophia and I playing with the camera

Sophia took this picture of her Daddy and sister!

Admiring his son

Enjoying the time now together now that it's limited because of work.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A visit with Grandpa from Florida

checking each other out

Trying to calm our crying baby. Zachary started crying just as I pulled out my camera!

Out for one of our dialy walks together.

Zachary is ready for football with his Patriots onesie on!